UH Hilo Performing Arts Dept. / Performing Arts Center


for a filmed production of

Moore: a Pacific Island Othello

a world premiere

Written by Kepano Richter, Directed by Justina Taft Mattos

Moore is a contemporary re-telling of a Shakespearean tragedy, set partially in Hawaiʻi. The central characters are U.S. Marines grappling with issues of race, sex, and politics.


Most characters will be videotaped using current Covid-19 physical distancing protocols. However, we hope to cast COUPLES who are already physically intimate for the following key roles:

Desdemona                 &         Doc Rodney Boucher

Sgt. ʻOhelo Moore       &         Captain Cassiopeia Martinez

Lt. Karen Johanson     &         Sgt. Emiliano


Supporting Roles:

Master Chief Bianca, General Brabantio, Special Agent Ogimachi, Special Agent Montano Jung Kim, Japanese Police Officer, Bass Player, Seabass, Boomer, Cletus, MP, Yakuza, Host, General Yoo, Media Officer, POTUS Trump (on-screen live via Zoom), Uncle Robert, Auntie Rosie, Uncle Billy (sings), Platoon Sergeant, Colonel Sanders, Marine Corporal, Kim Jo-Jong (Kim Jong-un’s sister), U.S. Secretary of Defense, Commandant of Marine Corps

Non-Speaking Roles:

Bartender, Cowboy dancers, Taxi Driver, Dignitaries, Security Officers, M & F Hula Dancers, Marching Marines, Night Club Patrons


To audition please submit these two items by 6/25/20:

  1.  audition form: (click here)  AuditionForm.MOORE
  2.  a video showing you (full height and/or waist and above) performing two things:
    • a contemporary monologue (up  to 1 minute) or a short memorized piece of text (poem, story, etc.)
    • singing 15-30 seconds of this song: “Drink With Me” (see karaoke video below)

For more information, or to request a face-to-face audition, contact the Director at jmattos@hawaii.edu Please email all submission materials to the director with “MOORE Audition” in the subject line.

Full Script:


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